MEDITATION is about meeting your essence, your stillness. Behind all thoughts and emotions is your Sacred Silence…it is there that you can experience wholeness. To help reach that inner space, we train in becoming conscious of the gaps between the thoughts, by becoming the observer of what is there and is happening at every moment. Letting all thoughts and emotions just be there, without judgement, not pulling in or pushing anything away. Simply holding Space for everything that comes and goes, in every moment including ALL that is, without prejudice.

This has been the base of several ancient Far-Eastern traditions and only just now our Western modern science has agreed to the healthy benefits of meditation! It gives you a clearer view on life and makes your grey matter grow. More importantly, it results in peace of mind, more equanimity and resilience in facing all the unexpected events that life presents us with.

In all YOGAFLOOR sessions, MEDITATION is an essential aspect.



Pranayama (breath/energywork) is the ancient technique of influencing the flow of the breath to invoke the body’s vital life force/energy called “Prana”. Our respiratory system is the direct portal not only to our lungs, but also to our 2 brains (the thinking one and the feeling one), our nervous system and to all the other systems in our body, spirit & mind.

PRANAYAMA is a key to unlocking your self-healing and purifying potential. 


*it promotes relaxation in body and minds
*it boosts and balances our immunity- and hormonal system
*it helps lift stress, restlesness and anxiety
*it cleanses and strengthens the place of our emotional digestion: the lungs
*It gives you a clearer view on life and makes your grey matter grow.
*It results in peace of mind, more equanimity and resilience in facing all the unexpected events that life presents us with.*

Come and honor your ‘I-am-ness’, the awareness and the wonder of being a human being!

Carien uses Meditation & Pranayama in every Yogasession and workshop.


(a Yang/Yin class):

S T R E T C H ,  S T R E N G T H  &  R E L A X A T I O N  

SHANTI is the Sankrit word for PEACE. These ‘flow’-classes have (gentle) movement on the breath to encourage stretch and strength, alternated with relaxation of body and mind. They offer the opportunity to experience balance, quiet and harmony in both. Awareness of the breath, regulation of energy and focus of mind are central. Carien uses the Yoga Asanas (physical postures), Pranayama’s (breath- & energy work) and the Kriyas (energetic cleansing rituals) from the different Yogic traditions. The Asanas bring suppleness, health and strength to the body. The Pranayamas, the conscious breath and the Kriyas bring a clear mind, inner peace and the optimal functioning of vital organs and muscles. Each session is inspired by a theme or an area of attention.

weekly class SHANTI FLOW YOGA 

TUESDAY MORNING 08:45-10:15 in Heart to Heart Centre

Sign up via WhatsApp with Carien (06 53552122) to secure your mat!


S E L F   L O V E

Healing for all bodies and all ages!

Restorative Healing- and Restorative Healing Rituals’ goal is physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Our Self-Healing abilities are addressed and can do their dance! With the use of so-called ‘props‘ (such as bolsters, blocks, cushions, blankets and belts), you make sure you are supported in the right places and are as comfortable as possible in the seated or reclined postures. When also supported by the breath and energetic rituals, this promotes inner peace and connection to our self healing system. Restorative Healing- and Restorative Rituals have strong healing effects on body, mind and spirit. They elevate fatigue and stress. It is known that this form of Yoga activates the para-sympathetic nervous-system which brings down the bloodpressure and the heart rate and help muscles to relax at a deeper level. Regular practice builds resilience against stress-related disorders and supports your health. ‘Do less, Be more’; after all, we are human beings, not human doings! Each session is inspired by a theme or area of attention.


MONDAYS 18:45-20:15u in Heart to Heart

TUESDAYS 18:45-20:15u in Heart to Heart

Huizerweg 54 Bussum

Sign up via WhatsApp with Carien (06 53552122) to secure your mat!


 S P A C E

Yin Yoga has its origin in the Daoistic philosophy and the ancient Chinese medicine tradition. It directly affects the thousands of energy-flows, the ‘meridians’ that run through our connective tissue everywhere in the body. These energy-‘rivers’ provide the vital organs with the needed energy to function. In Yin Yoga we diligently come into a seated or reclined position, with the intention not to move for a while and to become the ‘inner observer’ of the reaction to the bodily sensations and of the mind’s resistance and associations. In this way, we can connect to the stilness of our being, which is actually our basic setting. Yin Yoga trains the restless mind and as a huge side-benefit, it gives very healthy stretches to ligaments, tendons, joints and muscles. It results in a deep relaxation of body and equanimity of mind.


WEDNESDAYS 19:30-21:00u in Heart to Heart

Huizerweg 54 Bussum

Sign up via WhatsApp with Carien (06 53552122) to secure your mat!

YOGA NIDRA: led meditation for deep relaxation

D E E P  R E L A X A T I O N

This style is currently not given by Carien in weekly group classes, but is always possible as a private (zoom) session on demand

‘THE SLEEP OF THE YOGI’“Yoga” means ‘union’ and “Nidra” literally means ‘psychic sleep’. Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique originating from the Tantra sciences (knowledge and study of energy). We get to relax deeply, physically and mentally, with all its positive effects. Yoga Nidra results in calming the sympathetic nervous system. To reach this state of Yogic Sleep, we have to see to it that our mind stays awake and alert, while the sensual distractions from the environment are reduced to a minimum, so the senses, except for our hearing, can be ‘turned down’. It stimulates the physical- and mental immune systems and relieves built-up tension in body and mind. 

This class is currently not given by Carien in weekly group sessions, but is always possible as a private zoom-session on demand


In the end, one size does nót fit all…

PRIVATE YOGA 1-to-1 (therapy)sessions with Carien give you the opportunity to receive Yogic and Healing energy focused on your individual needs and interests. It could be about breath, relaxation, meditation, an (old) injury or a part of the body that needs extra attention. Or certain Yoga poses/flows you want to explore (deeper). In preparation there will be contact about your specific wishes, symptoms or areas of interest. These sessions are by appointment, take about 90 minutes, can be in English or in Dutch and cost €95,- at your home (excluding petrol allowance) or  €120,- in Heart to Heart Centre in Bussum. For an appointment mail  ( or call Carien: +31(0)6 53 55 21 22

the Universe is Magic, the Universe is Love, the Universe is You


Y O G A F L O O R    Carien van den Honert     +31(0)653552122